Since we decided to home school this school year, I really wanted a space for it all. I know from past experience that the realities of where you home school take place anywhere and everywhere... from the living floor, to the kitchen table, outside, in the car, or wherever we decided to travel to. But, I still wanted a place where all their supplies, books, etc. can be stored and organized. I started off with a sketch (in my "Makers Gonna Make; Idea Journal").
My idea sketch... somewhat crumpled from moving it around the build & mostly the kids! lol But, for the most part, the outcome came close to the original sketch.
Then, I went to my very busy husband and literally begged him to make a custom 8 foot wall table, for the kids of course. He argued it would be easier to just buy some desks but finally caved in after my relentless convincing! ;) Ha! And so, we made a couple " Home Depot date nights" to town and picked up supplies for the build.
My husband had just cut, put together the table, and started to sand away.
The wooden brackets he built for the table.
I sanded and stained this metal board - used as a magnet board for vocabulary words; etc.
We alternated in staining the table.
Attaching the brackets to the wall studs.
He added some shelves and I had all their books ready for it. Here, he is adding some USB outlets for all the devices. Also, these magazine holders are perfect for organizing all their books. I labeled them by subject.
I added some wall art and Voilà! My idea sketch to REALITY!
It came out how I imagined and am very happy with it! Thanks to my hubby for the labor of love - he's definitely not a carpenter by trade, but can certainly build things. The wall art (ABCs, Multiplication Chart, Parts of Speech, etc.) can be found in my shop as well as the custom homeschool planners for kids. #hagarhomeschool
Getting excited to start the new school year,
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