HVPC — homeschool
Our curriculum choices for Kindergarten & 5th Grade
5th grade curriculum choices homeschool homeschool corner homeschooling kindergarten organization subjects
All our books are in and we're super excited to get started. Just wanted to share our curriculum choices for our Kindergartner & 5th Grader by Subject: Language ArtsHandwriting without Tears & Explode the Code (K); Writing & Rhetoric 1-4 (5th); All About Spelling Level 5 (5th); and Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation (5th) MathMathUSee - Alpha (K) & Epsilon (5th) Social StudiesBeautiful Feet Books - Early American History (Both K & 5th) Beautiful Feet; Geography (5th) Science Good & The Beautiful Science Units - Marine Biology & Kingdoms/Classifications (for both K & 5th) and Chemistry (5th); Simply Charlotte Mason Outdoor Secrets...
Our Home school corner...
build hagarhomeschool homeschool homeschool corner homeschooling idea reality sketch wall desk
Since we decided to home school this school year, I really wanted a space for it all. I know from past experience that the realities of where you home school take place anywhere and everywhere... from the living floor, to the kitchen table, outside, in the car, or wherever we decided to travel to. But, I still wanted a place where all their supplies, books, etc. can be stored and organized. I started off with a sketch (in my "Makers Gonna Make; Idea Journal"). My idea sketch... somewhat crumpled from moving it around the build & mostly the kids! lol But, for...
Homeschool Planners for KIDS!
for kids homeschool homeschooling weekly planner

It's been awhile... But yes, we decided to homeschool our kids again! Not just virtual distance learning, but actual HOMESCHOOL (through a charter) where we handpicked their curriculum. Honestly, homeschooling can be quite overwhelming and leaves alot of the planning & teaching on the backs of the parents. However, I've found that it can be FUN, exciting & satisfying! We homeschooled our oldest daughter for 1st & 2nd grade... I loved the flexibility in our schedule, the weekly field trips, and watching her learn. This year, we'll have a 5th grader, a Kindergartner, and a toddler. We're all pretty excited to start! ...