HVPC — kids

FREE Mother's Day Newspaper PRINTABLE

activity amazon handmade best mom event fill in the blanks free freebie kids mad lib mom mommy mother mothers day newspaper wall art

FREE Mother's Day Newspaper PRINTABLE

Last year, I was invited to participate in a Mother's Day Event as an Artisan with Amazon Handmade in Los Angeles. There were several different crafting stations for children & parents to make some goodies for Mom. At our station, kids were able to hand-craft cards and create wall art. One of the wall art pieces included a newspaper titled, "Mother's Day Press." They were able to draw pictures and fill in the blanks!  Our crafting station included everything you needed: paper cutters, colored pencils, markers, gel pens, scissors, glue sticks, double sided tape, washi tape and little pre-cut embellishments I made...

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Kids quarantine activity - I miss my friends!

activity card coloring kids quarantine snail mail social distancing

Kids quarantine activity - I miss my friends!

My kids, for the past week, kept saying, "I miss my friends!!!" :( Seems that the new norm right now is homeschooling our kids because they can't go to school due to COVID-19. I really had to come up with some fun activities for my own kids besides the work packet they received from their teachers. So, I came up with a kid/adult coloring card! These were kinda perfect... it kept all three of my kids engaged for at least an hour or two. That's quite a feat! They really were missing their friends so much, so I told them...

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