HVPC — 5th grade

Our curriculum choices for Kindergarten & 5th Grade

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Our curriculum choices for Kindergarten & 5th Grade

All our books are in and we're super excited to get started. Just wanted to share our curriculum choices for our Kindergartner & 5th Grader by Subject:  Language ArtsHandwriting without Tears & Explode the Code (K); Writing & Rhetoric 1-4 (5th); All About Spelling Level 5 (5th); and Skill Sharpeners: Grammar & Punctuation (5th) MathMathUSee - Alpha (K) & Epsilon (5th)  Social StudiesBeautiful Feet Books - Early American History (Both K & 5th) Beautiful Feet; Geography (5th) Science Good & The Beautiful Science Units - Marine Biology & Kingdoms/Classifications (for both K & 5th) and Chemistry (5th); Simply Charlotte Mason Outdoor Secrets...

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