It's been awhile...
But yes, we decided to homeschool our kids again! Not just virtual distance learning, but actual HOMESCHOOL (through a charter) where we handpicked their curriculum. Honestly, homeschooling can be quite overwhelming and leaves alot of the planning & teaching on the backs of the parents. However, I've found that it can be FUN, exciting & satisfying! We homeschooled our oldest daughter for 1st & 2nd grade... I loved the flexibility in our schedule, the weekly field trips, and watching her learn. This year, we'll have a 5th grader, a Kindergartner, and a toddler. We're all pretty excited to start!
There are quite a few of us in the valley that went the homeschool route and one Mom had an idea that each of her kids have a weekly planner with what they need to get done in a day. I thought it was perfect and so I went to designing...